Detailed Panty/Pubic Painting
NOTE: This project, and other advanced projects, are normally offered only to models that I have worked with before and developed a mutual comfort. There are exceptions, for example some traveling models who I'll only work with once. Do not feel like doing these projects is a requirement to work with me. They do require more physical contact then normal shoots.
Most of the time when paint is being applied to the pubic area, it is a simple design, and the model can be painted standing, with her legs slightly apart. The brush is used in a few simple strokes that covers the area and applies any simple design.
Sometimes however, a project involves detailed work in this area. Painting this area with the model standing becomes quite difficult when painting details, as the angle of access is problimatic and the legs interfere with moving the brush into diffrent angles.
The best way I have found to do this, is with the model sitting on a table or other surface, and with her legs wide open. Obviously this requires a good deal of comfort, both on the model's part and on mine. I do this very respectfully and carefully.
I do not yet have a video for this. You can help me make one.