NOTE: This project, and other advanced projects, are normally offered only to models that I have worked with before and developed a mutual comfort. There are exceptions, for example some traveling models who I'll only work with once. Do not feel like doing these projects is a requirement to work with me. They do require more physical contact then normal shoots.
I have been getting reports from models that certain colors are difficult to wash off, and that certain soaps and using certain preps before painting do, or do not help. This varies with different models. So I have decided to test these things on several models and determine exactly what helps and what does not, and how much the various colors have issues. Then I can advise models appropriately and start using the best paint preps.
I am testing 4 colors, red, black, green and white (White has no issues, and so is a comparison color) in several different ways. I can test two at a time, as I split the test area into two halves. I decided to use the chest as the test area, as it's easy to reach, has both areas that can be scrubbed and areas that are more sensitive and also because I've been told by some models that the paint stains the nipples more then other areas, so I need to include them.
What I do is paint your chest quickly in two of the colors, and dry it with a blow dryer, and then do the test cleaning. I wash for 15 seconds and then take a quick photo to determine later what percentage was able to be washed in 15 seconds. Then I time how long it took to clean the rest off the way, up to 1 minute. Then do the same for the other side, and then the whole test over with the other two colors. I can later average the two times with those I get with other models to get a good understanding with different skin types.
I am running the test in several ways; With various lotions and oils as pre-treatments and various soap types. I'm also including pre-treatments and soaps for models with sensitive skin or who are allergy prone.
This project is not for everyone, as I need to do the washing myself, to make sure I wash it the same way each time and with each model, and apply the pre-treatments myself, as different people will obviously use different pressures, different ways of washing and different amounts of pretreatment. That will effect the results if I have each model do it themselves. Your part would be to stand with your arms out of the way, and watch the timer for me.
I have included an example video.
There is one difference from what is shown in the video. I found that washing the model while standing straight causes the paint to run and stain areas under the test area, so I am now having the models lean forward bending at the waist so the paint and water falls straight off the body.